
  • IJEMDB International Journal of Economics, Management & Digital Business

    IJEMDB International Journal of Economics, Management & Digital Business, with ISSN xxxx-xxxx (Online) and xxxx-xxxx (Print) published by PT. Visi Media Network (CITEDNESS) is a journal that publishes Focus & Scope research articles, which include

    Accounting & Finance; Business & Economics; Business Ethics; Business Intelligence; Business Information Systems; Digital Business; Digital Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Economic Development; E-business, e-commerce, m-commerce; Electronic and Mobile Commerce; Finance & Investment; Financial Economics; General Management; Green Economics; Global Business; Human Resource Management; Information Technology Management; International Business; International Economics; International Finance; International business and management; Islamic economics; Financial and Banking Management; Entrepreneurship; Strategic Management; Social Media and Marketing; Social Entrepreneurship; Social Marketing; Startegic Management; Technology & Innovation; Technopreneurship; Welfare Economics

  • Data Science Insights

    Data Science Insights, with ISSN 3031-1268 (Online)  published by CITEDNESS is a journal that publishes Focus & Scope research articles, which include

    Data Science and Machine Learning; Data Science and AI; Blockchain and Advance Data Science; Cloud computing and Big Data; Business Intelligence and Big Data; Statistical Foundation for Data Science; Probability and Statistics for Data Science; Statistical Inference via Data Science; Big Data and Business Analytics; Statistical Thinking in Business; Data Driven Statistical Methods; Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analytics; Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis; Data Science in Communication; Information and Communication Technology; Graph Data Management for Social Network Applications; Metadata for Information Management; Information/Data: Organization and Access; Information Science and Electronic Engineering; Big Data and Social Science; Data Communication and Computer Network; ICT & Data Analytics.

    This journal is published by the CITEDNESS, which is published twice a year.