Decision Support System Application in Disaster Management


  • Li Yilin International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Fu Zhaoji International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Vijay Rathnam Kowthalam International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Wu Guangfa International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Yusrina Binti Abdul Rahim International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Siti Sarah Maidin INTI International University
  • Norzariyah Yahya International Islamic University Malaysia


disaster management, decision support system, disaster response


Disasters such as earthquake, flood, fire, and tsunami result in catastrophic human suffering, loss of property and other negative consequences. The continues threats of future disasters enforce human to find best possible ways to detect and take premeasured actions based on calculated risks to reduce these negative impacts of disasters. 


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Research Process Based on PRISMA Model




How to Cite

Yilin, L., Zhaoji, F., Kowthalam, V. R., Guangfa, W., Binti Abdul Rahim, Y., Maidin, S. S., & Yahya, N. (2024). Decision Support System Application in Disaster Management. Data Science Insights, 2(1). Retrieved from